● Stop using retinols and acids at least 3 days before your treatment

● If you experience cold sores or fever blisters, please call the office three days before your appointment for a prescription to minimize the chances of experiencing one. Anytime we work near the mouth in particular, you may experience a post-procedure fever blister. Please be prepared to tell us your full name, birthday, allergies, and what pharmacy you use so a provider can call a prescription in for you.

● If you are receiving tox, you must be 90+ days out from your previous tox treatment in order to be treated in the same areas

● Please call the office If you have had a virus or a vaccine in the past two weeks


● VI Peel only: Download the VIPEEL app from the App Store prior to the appointment. This will give you step-by-step instructions for your aftercare.

● Wear a tank top, v-neck, or something loose so that you can easily access your face, neck, and chest. Darker clothing is suggested.

● Wash your face with a gentle cleanser to remove all make-up, oils, and products prior to the procedure.


  • It takes two full weeks for your tox to “kick in” and settle to its final state. We will not be making adjustments for the entire two weeks to avoid “overtreating”. If in two weeks you would like to adjust anything or add more to any spot, we will do so at your optimization appointment.

  • Keep upright for 4-6 hours after the injections.  This is very important to minimize the toxin from migrating to unwanted areas – which can create eyelid droop (ptosis).  Avoid lying down, massage or putting pressure on your face ( no chiropractor, planking, etc).

  • Eyebrows are sisters, not twins… they never were and never will be 100% equal

  • Avoid touching your face for the remainder of the day or wearing tight hats or sunglasses

  • Temporary eyelid or brow heaviness is normal. Being unable to see is not normal- please call if this is the case.

  • Avoid exercise, sweating, saunas, hot showers, hair dryers for 24 hrs post procedure.

  • Avoid makeup until tomorrow

  • Wash your face with a gentle cleanser carefully, no scrubbing or massaging. Pat on skincare, do not rub

  • Lower face tox patients- if one side of your lower lip droops while talking or smiling, and the other side compensates (it will get caught between your teeth like you’re biting your lip) Please call. This is easily fixable if you let us know.

Wait at least 2 weeks after your injection to evaluate the success of the treatment.

Please contact the office with any concerns



1. Sun exposure and/or usage of a tanning bed, including self-tanning products must be avoided for a minimum of 24 hours before and after the treatment, preferably 1 week. Treatment within 24 hours of prolonged sun exposure (natural sunlight, artificial tanning booth, or sunless tanning products) may result in hypopigmentation (white spots) or hyperpigmentation (dark spots) that may not clear for several months or may even be permanent. A Micro Needling treatment will not be administered on sunburned skin. 
2. Area to be treated must be clean, and free of any lotion, makeup, and sunscreen. If you have any of these on, they must be completely washed off prior to treatment. 
3. Accutane and any other photosensitizing medication should be discontinued for a period of at least 6 months prior to receiving treatment and should not be used during your course of treatment.
4. No area to be treated should receive any type of Chemical Peel for 2 weeks prior and after treatment. Retin-A, Renova, and Tazorac must not be used for 1 week prior to or after treatment. 
5. Waxing and/or use of chemical depilatories must be avoided for 2 weeks prior and after the treatment. Shaving is allowed immediately before treatment and 48-72 hours after treatment as long as there is no skin irritation. 
6. You may not be pregnant for this treatment. 
7. Notify the provider of any tattoos, including cosmetic tattooing and microblading, in the vicinity of the area to be treated as tattoos must be avoided. 
8. If you have a history of cold sores, we may recommend prophylactic antiviral therapy in the form of Valtrex® or Aycyclovir. If so, contact your primary care provider and follow the directions for your prescription. 
9. During the course of your treatments, notify our staff of any changes to your medical history, health status, or personal activities that may be relevant to your treatment.

1. A sunburn-like effect is normal for 1-3 days. You will look and feel sunburned after the treatment. Severity of redness will depend on how aggressive the treatment was performed. The skin may feel tight, dry, swollen, and sensitive to the touch. The treated area may appear darker and the darkened skin may flake off within 1 week. Avoid picking or exfoliating the area and allow old skin to flake off naturally. Do not use exfoliating medications, chemicals, or products on the treated areas for at least 1 week.
2. PRP should be applied directly to skin the evening of procedure. The morning after, Wash the treated area gently with a gentle cleanser or water. Apply Neocutis After Care, as much as needed for the next 24 hours. Avoid any products with parabens, petroleum, mineral oil, silicone, Acetyl alcohol, and fragrance. Do NOT use alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, retinol (vitamin A), vitamin C or anything perceived as ‘active’ skin care.

3. 24-72 hours post-treatment -  mineral makeup can be applied.
4. 48-72 hours post-treatment – return to regular skin care regimen.  Retinol products are strongly suggested for optimal results.
5. Sun exposure must be avoided for at least 24 hours after your treatment, preferably 1-2 weeks. If you know you will get incidental sun exposure, i.e., driving to and from work, walking from your car to the house, etc., we recommend physical avoidance of the sun in all treated areas, a protective hat and a full spectrum sun block of SPF 30 or higher. Neocutis full regimens and SPF products are available.
6. No exercise that causes sweating, Jacuzzi, sauna, or steam baths if any skin irritation exists (usually first 24 hours). Sweating can be harmful due to bacterial that may cause infections and adverse outcomes. No swimming for 24 hours
7. Tylenol may be taken as necessary for discomfort. Ice packs may be used if desired to minimize swelling. 
8. Sleep on your back with your head elevated slightly to reduce swelling. 
9. Watch blood draw area for unusual swelling or signs of infection, and contact us immediately if you have any concerns.
10. For best results and efficacy, we recommend a series of 3 treatments administered at 4-6 week intervals. You may notice immediate as well as longer term improvements in your skin. Once results achieved, maintaining every 4-6 months is optimal.  



● Do NOT work out during the first 2 days of the peel. No overheating and profusely sweating. The heat may cause the peel to penetrate more deeply and unevenly.

● Use a gentle cleanser on your face.

● If you received a VI Peel, use Gentle Cleanser sparingly, a little goes a long way and the 2cleanser packets will last you all 7 days. Wash the face with cool water and keep the

face out of hot shower and away from heat sources.

● VI Peels: You may begin using the post-peel cream provided immediately after your face wash post-peel. You can use it ANY time that you feel the need.

● ALL Peels: Neocutis Aftercare can be used any time after day 1 (day 1 being the day of application).

● You will start peeling around your mouth first, then out toward your cheeks and hairline.

● DO NOT scrub your face and do not pull at the peeling skin. You run the risk of creating a tear on your face, this can scar.

● Days 4 and 5 are typically the heaviest peeling. A VI Peel applied on Wednesday will typically result in the heaviest peeling Saturday and Sunday.

● Body Parts- chest, arms, and back can take 7 days to start peeling and often only flake.

● Do not do lash extensions 7-10 days post-peel. Adhesives as well as the pads under the eyes can cause irritation and swelling.

● Avoid the sun for the duration of the peel (7 days) and you must wear SPF 40-50 even if overcast.

● You may peel up to 10 days. Areas with sun damage and spots will peel a day or two after all the skin around those spots has come o. Those spots require extra work under

the surface to repair and push out the excess melanin.

● Some people will get a “double peel” around their nose and chin area. (A little extra red and dry)


● Purging is a normal side effect of the peel. For some, it is minimal and for others, it can be significant. This should resolve in 10-14 days post-peeling. The peel will dry out surface breakouts, but deep acne will still come to the surface.


  • Our peels are designed to lift pigment and help lighten the skin. The pigment comes from the papillary dermis and may look as though it's worsening before it gets better, however, this is the time to REALLY attack those melanocytes with additional methods, and this is why I may recommend we do peels as a series. Pigment darker on days 4-7 or even 9-10 is normal. For stubborn and heavy pigment we use 3 peels and use brightening-specific skincare after the peeling process is complete.

  • The at home towelettes are not refreshing towelettes. There are active ingredients in these towelettes and therefore you may note some light stinging upon application. Some people can also experience some itching, especially on night 1, which can be remedied by applying post peel protectant, hydrocortisone cream, or taking oral antihistamine.

  • Tips and recommendations: 

  • We recommend cleansing your face prior to showering and keeping your face protected from hot water.

  • When cleansing your face use your fingertips only. Avoid using washcloths or facial machine brushes during the first week. Pat face dry after cleansing and taking a shower.  Avoid rubbing face with towels.

  • While the skin is exfoliating avoid pulling, picking, rubbing and any premature removal of skin. This could lead to significant irritation and possible hyperpigmentation. Never force or peel the skin off in sheets.

  • Next Steps: Resuming Skin Care Products

  • Non-Actives: Can be resumed once peeling has subsided, usually day 6-7.

  • Retinols can be resumed once peeling has subsided and sensitivity has returned to normal, usually day 7-10.

  • It is recommended to wait for a minimum of 2 weeks before any treatment that creates exfoliation of the skin. (Includes facials, extractions, waxing, and threading)

  • Scheduling the Next VI Peel

  • VI Peels should be scheduled in a series of 3 every 4-6 weeks (for best results)

  • Consult with your practitioner for other treatment options.  And different ways to incorporate VI Peels into your cosmetic routine!!! Everyone is Peel trained and certified and we would be happy to help!